Kate Warne
The First Female Detective in the US Who Also Saved Lincoln’s Life
In 1856, 23-year-old Kate Warne walks into Allan Pinkerton’s office replying to a job posting recruiting new detectives. Only, no woman had ever been hired as a detective before. It was unthinkable, even laughable. However, Kate’s extremely logical arguments eventually win over Pinkerton and she would, indeed, become the first female detective in US history. And she was a VERY GOOD one, at that.
In fact, her brilliant role in averting an assassination attempt on President-elect Lincoln’s life would be the foundation and inspiration for the Pinkerton logo and motto “We Never Sleep”. Listen now to hear the full story of how she saved Lincoln, and the rest of Kate’s incredible accomplishments.
“[Kate was] a rather a commanding person, and with an ease of manner that was quite captivating at times, she was calculated to make a favorable impression.”
“I believe it has not hitherto been one of the prerequisites of the presidency to acquire in full bloom so charming and accomplished a female relation”
“Mr. Lincoln is very homely, and so very tall that he could not lay straight in his berth”