
Haitian Queen Who Led With Peace

While history marks the first Thanksgiving as being in Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1621, it turns out that when Christopher Columbus (and his *sshole brother, Bartholomew) first land in modern-day Haiti in 1492, they were warmly welcomed and assisted in a similar fashion by today’s Broad, Anacaona!

A powerhouse leader of the Taino people, Anacaona led her people NOT into war, as so many neighboring tribes had done, but with a true matriarchal vision of peace and prosperity for all, she tried to erase division between the Spanish and the Taino through intermarriage, which was a remarkably effective strategy…until Nicolas de Ovando arrives from Spain as the new Governor.

Join us for this remarkable and heartbreaking story AND take part in our special Thanksgiving Challenge to donate your Thanksgiving expenditures to Indigenous Tribes which once resided on the land which you now live. Find out your local tribal information at


Donate your Thanksgiving expenditures to the Indigenous Tribes which once resided on the land which you now live. Find out your local tribal information at