Anne Heche
The Crazy, Brilliant Actress
Anne Heche dazzled the screen in almost every role she ever played, and earlier this year her shining light was snuffed out in terrible, unexplained tragedy. However, much of her public life was scorned by the press and she was called – and even called herself – “crazy”. How did this moniker come to be for one of the most brave and brilliant Hollywood talents we’ve ever seen?
Her autobiographer is impossible to find for less than a fortune following her untimely death, but you can hear more about her terrible, tragic, and yet also hopeful tale. Listen now to hear her true story.
“I wrote this book to say goodbye, once and for all to my story of shame and embrace my life choice of love…The fact that there are people hearing my story is the icing on the most beautiful cake in the world, that I imagine says, ‘Happy freedom Anne. You have made it to the other side.'”
“I think everything I’ve done in all my insanity was to try to get my parents to love me. My father loved movie stars. I decided I needed to become famous to get his love. My mother loved Jesus. That was her thing. So I wanted to become Jesus Christ.”