“I was the kind of person who would not be put down. I rejected any notion that my race or sex would bar my success in life.”
Constance Baker Motley
Lawyer, Judge, and ”Civil Rights Queen”
This powerhouse Broad was the role model for many of today’s most prominent women of color in the Judiciary branch including Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson and Vice President Kamala Harris, and it’s NO WONDER! Constance not only wrote the brief for Brown vs. Board of Education, she also represented clients in almost all of the most prominent desegregation, fair housing, and other civil rights cases of the time, including Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. after his arrest in Birmingham, winning 9 of the 10 cases she took to the Supreme Court. She is definitively a BROAD YOU SHOULD KNOW!
“The mental anguish was so great that I did not think i would ever get out of bed again.. I resolved, then and there, not to go to the funeral in Jackson, reasoning that it was time to give up on Mississippi.
I felt I would not be safe there
I knew he ran a high risk in Mississippi, but when he was cut down, I decided that the price we were paying to end segregation there was too high.
I quit.
I never returned to Mississippi until 1983.”